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Clear communication with your patients, visitors and the wider healthcare community is increasingly essential when providing high performing healthcare services to elevate your patient experience.

Influence the services that you offer, patient behavior, and direct visitors with wayfinding information. Provide healthcare advice, and proactively inform visitors about wait times in addition to building your brand and opening new revenue streams.


Whether you are building new or enhancing your existing facility, it is time to deploy advanced systems to influence decision making, elevate the visual experience and enhance your healthcare brand. In this blog, we will explore how you can stay ahead to help your visitors with digital displays to elevate the patient experience and influence your community. We will also examine how to boost staff collaboration in non-clinical environments.

Elevated visual experiences

Inform and engage your visitors from the moment that they enter and boost the overall appearance of your healthcare facility with creative video walls.

With attractive visual real estate, you can interactively inform your visitors while engaging them with your healthcare brand that helps you stand out from the crowd. To avoid the pitfall of using simple, inflexible signage players, look at your options which include media servers and video processors, or even a combination of both.

Even used alone, video wall processors can also offer unique visual canvasses. Extra wide LED implementations are becoming increasingly popular, not only because they open a visual horizon, but also because many rooms demand a move beyond 16:9, because ceiling heights can be a limited factor.

The most efficient and flexible solution is to choose a video wall processor that, in addition to displaying external sources, can internally play back several synchronized 16:9 media clips. Using this playback method, it is amazingly simple for your in-house design team to inexpensively create custom material, as they will work in the native widescreen resolution before rendering out each part of the design as 16:9 pieces.

Delivering positive experiences

Reduce stress by easing the on-site patient experience using digital displays for wayfinding while combining messages that drive positive behavior, such as preventative care campaigns, fundraising initiatives, or display waiting times, so that your visitors are fully informed in clinical waiting areas.

To entertain those waiting for treatment you can utilize visual spaces to create a positive experience for your patients, showcase recent benefactors, or provide interactive visuals for younger visitors.

Using a media server, you can also choose to combine video output with projection and lighting to create immersive environments. By projection mapping onto any desired surface or model, it can turn anything into an interactive focal point or branded area to convey healthcare messages and promotions. Another option is to map video and colors onto lighting fixtures, enhancing any hospital building façade.

In a healthcare environment, next generation visual engagement should not only be limited to the front of house, patient, experience but should also be extended to all areas of everyday operation including collaborative spaces and control rooms.

Finding the right solution

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